Superior Genetics Annual Online Kiko Sale Catalog
Here is a very rare opportunity and a great way to start off the 2020 Superior Genetics Online Kiko Sale. TMK Keeper’s Sam is a 100% NZ embryo flush son of Waysu Goliath’s Keeper over a Wild Bill daughter. He was raised with a twin brother pictured below on 5/19, who will be retained at Triple M Kikos. He is a medium sized buck packing a lot of muscle on his well balanced frame, with a lot of depth and width. We fully expect him to pass on his thickness, width and overall bone structure to his offspring. As an added bonus he has a little color, a rarity for Goliath's Keeper offspring. He is a very good natured buck, easy to handle, gets along well with other bucks in his pen. We have collected him and the buyer will receive ten straws of his semen, giving the new owner a small insurance policy along with their purchase. We have bred a few does to him insuring that he will perform well for you. We understand the hesitancy of purchasing a buck without seeing him in person and have done our very best to showcase him in the most accurate way possible. We are selling him with a full guarantee that he is a breeder and that he meets the buyers expectations at time of pick up. He is a hard one to let go of, we will be very happy to retain him as a herdsire in our own herd if he doesn’t meet your expectations. All pictures were taken on 2-28-20. Please contact us with any questions or comments. Also view the youtube video of Sam below.
MRG Thriller’s Bella 3/20/2019 Black/White New Zealand daughter of MRG Thriller & MRG Georgia Belle. 1st female offspring ever offered out of Georgia Belle. All other Georgia Belle daughters have been retained on our farm. Georgia Belle is a HEMI daughter out of a granddaughter of Keeper. 1st MRG Thriller daughter born on our farm and offered for sale. Thriller is a twin brother to MRG Outlaw. Both have sired bucklings with great success on the OK Buck Test. Don’t miss this rare opportunity.
This being our first ever consignment to an auction as well as the first-ever doe to potentially sell from our farm we wanted to offer what we feel is some of the best genetics from our herd. To start I will highlight some of the performance and accomplishments from the parents of this young doe.
SLS Fort was the 2016 EOSC Buck Test #1 FEC and #3 ADG. From his first kid crop, he sired the # 2 FEC buck at the 2018 EOSC Buck Test. In 2019 he sired the #2 and #7 FEC bucks at the EOSC Buck Test as well as the #16 ADG buck. He also sired the #10 FEC/PCV buck on the feed portion of the 2019 Langston Buck Test. Aside from his performance test credentials, Fort produces a hardy fast growing kid that requires little to no maintenance. Several of his daughters and sons we have retained have done great for us so far. Great maternals and udders from his low maintenance daughters and solid kids from a son we kept. Fort has perfect feet that have not been touched since he was acquired, as well as never having been dewormed aside from the buck test. In his first kid crop, his doe kids weaned 40-45lbs and his buck kids weaned 52-60lbs without creep feeding. An all-around solid buck we are happy to build a herd around.
YKF Renegade’s Trump is a daughter of LFK Outlaw’s Renegade D13, who was the 2014 EOSC Buck Test Champion #1 overall. This doe has been absolutely ZERO maintenance since she arrived on our farm. Never dewormed, low maintenance feet, no medications needed of any kind. As a first time mother, she weaned 132.6lbs of triplets at 84 days and only weighed 99lbs herself. She weaned a solid set of twins her second kidding. One of which was the 2019 EOSC Buck Test Reserve FEC Champion. Now she is back at it again currently raising a very nice set of triplets in her third kidding year. She has an A+ udder as well which I will attach a picture of. Honestly, probably one of the best if not the best doe in my herd as far as performance and production are concerned.
We hope to find this lady a perfect herd where she can produce for someone but if she ends up sticking around here I won’t be to upset to say the least. If anyone would like any other information or pictures please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for you’re interest.
This yearling doe is sired by a son of "Sonny Boy" (making her sire a half brother to MRG Outlaw) out of the beautiful GAL Aerial by SKY High Trickster who is a son ELH Blue's Son, and out of Tasman Temptress. The dam is a full sister to PJM Copyright Tough (Tested in Maryland test and showed excellent FEC and FAMACHAs) and PJM Copyrights Tru Test MD14 (Maryland Test top ten buck) and a 1/2 sister on the dam's side to PJM Harvest Jack (Maryland test Finalist). One of an extremely rare number of families of multiple Maryland test finalists. The combination of these 2 sets of genetics should set this doe up to be extremely worm resistant doe with an excellent udder and growth potential. An attractive blue doe with excellent genetics.
**UPDATE** SHE JUST HAD KIDS! One buck, one doe!
This is a 3 year old triplet daughter of WMB MINGO, and out of our great doe, GAL AERIAL. This young, moderate frame doe is heavy bred to one of our senior herd sires, HKF LITTLE JOE'S HERSCHEL. SAN MINGO'S 1620 has proven to have the parasite resistance and mothering ability that we would expect from this mating. If you are looking for the kind of doe that can take your breeding program to the next level, I feel confident that this doe can do it.
This yearling New Zealand doe is stacked with some of the most parasite resistant bloodlines in the kiko world. Her pedigree consists of legendary herdsires like ELH Blue’s Son twice, WMB Hobo, LRF Pango Hua and Terminator XX. She also has great maternal does in her background like RAK Eve and HKF Trig!!!She is showing the toughness of her pedigree here at Chey-View Kikos because she has never needed deworming.CVK 474 is a twin raised by a first time mother. She has been vaccinated for CD&T and CL.
GOT HIGH EXPECTATIONS was a embryo flush that we did with one of our best does CLP RAGIN RIVERS CAFELL. The reason we did this cross is to create a doe that is line bred BLUE'S SON and line bred TASMAN TEMPTRESS. I don't think you will find a doe in the the Kiko World with this pedigree. Not only is her pedigree great her build and parasite resistance is one of the best we have seen. She had her C&DT vaccination December 12th 2019. Never Dewormed and always held a Famacha Score of a 1. She just turned a year old in February.
PRG H91 Purdue Girl is a twin daughter of SLS Painted Princess, the high selling doe at the 2018 Spotlight Sale in Cookeville, TN. Her is on 3/5/20 was 60#. Keep In mind, she has been on sloppy wet pastures until the morning I took this picture. This doe survived a very wet winter last year and the toughest kidding season we’ve had to date.
Here is a daughter of Terminator XXX and a Goliath Imprint daughter. This is a eyecatching doe has grown extremely well at our farm! She is currently open and ready to breed to the buck of your choice!
PRG Glitter Girl is a great combination of strong materials coming through TMK Zeus (RAK Eve don) and performance genetics as a granddaughter of the OK buck test winner Outalw’s Renegade. This doe survived a very wet winter last year and the toughest kidding season we’ve had to date.
Here is a semen lot the kiko world has yet to see! We would like to thank Nancy Gillend for consigning these straws last minute! This is the first ever offering of GFI Rolling Meadows Torzor. Torzor is one of the most sought after Terminator XX sons because of his stature and dam Tay 29. Tay 29 is a Tasman Zorro x Moneymaker daughter. This is an extremely rare offering. Please contact Nancy with any questions. The semen is stored in Nancy's personal tank. Buyers will have to pick the semen up directly from Nancy or arrange using a shipper tank by appointment.
This large yearling doe is sired by a son of "Sonny Boy" (making her sire a half brother by sire to MRG Outlaw) out of the beautiful GAL Aerial by SKY High Trickster, who is a son ELH Blue's Son and out of Tasman Temptress. The dam is a very nice daughter of SKY Blue's Copyright. Copyright being a proven producer of high gaining and successfully tested progeny in PA, WV and the MD test. The dam had an excellent udder. This doe should be genetically very worm resistant and have high genetic growth potential. Tested genetics top and bottom in her pedigree and with the size to prove it.
These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
Warsaw was entered in the first Oklahoma Buck Forage Test. Because of the large amount of rainfall and the extreme heat throughout the test it was called, The Original Test from Hell. Bucks were being sent home during this test for fear they might die due to parasite loads and trauma and if I remember correctly one did die. Warsaw came out of the test with the #1 Parasite Resistant award with an average FEC of ZERO! Conformation, color, outstanding performance pedigree, a personal performance record and the proven ability to pass performance traits on to his offspring is all rolled up in one package named, SKY W018 WARSAW." It is no surprise that Warsaw went on to produce some of the best bucks and does in the Kiko industry, including HKF SONNY BOY! Here is a rare opportunity to add these great genetics to your herd! These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
CCR Cedric 906 (MoneyMaker x Generator daughter) x LCK Emily Lee (Hammer x MoneyMaker granddaughter) - 2 Grade 1 Embryos These embryos combine some rare and highly desired genetics all in one package.These 2 Embryos are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
"Blue's Son" spent his breeding career with Sky Shivers in his program. His progeny tested extremely well in the Oklahoma tests particularly with regard to their worm resistance. SKY W018 Warsaw was a son who really excelled in the OK test and contributed later to more extremely worm resistant descendants. SKY Blue's Copyright is his most well known son. Copyright has produced most of the top ADG Kiko Bucks in the Breed and multiple Maryland finalists and WV test winners through sons and grandsons.That makes Blue's Son their grand sire. Blue's Son was heavily line-bred to the great Money Maker and that prepotency has shown in his desendants. His blue roan color has passed for many generations. These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
The winner of this lot receives two straws of TMK Blue Thunder! Blue Thunder is a rare combination of Terminator XX, Blue Son, and Keeper. These are the only 2 straws we plan to release in 2020. Only 2 straws were released in 2019 for a total of 4 to the public. This young buck has a bright future and his last two kid crops look great! All shipping costs are covered by the buyer. Stored at REI OK.
CGI Apollo 540 – Brown/White New Zealand son of AKR Lightin’s Titan & CGI LEIA 504 ( LRF Pango Hua x JFK Serenity’s Best) – Titan won the Ft. Valley Buck test but unfortunately all of his semen straws were lost. Here is a great opportunity to obtain a straw from his son x a Pango daughter. Pango’s buck test resume speaks for itself. The semen was used it in 2018 and it had good post thaw motility and produced kids. This straw is stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
Lot 22 is a very unique opportunituy to purchase semen and embryos in a single lot. This gives you an opportunity to add a maternal line to your farm and use MRG Outlaw semen in your own herd. This lot contains two embryos by MRG Outlaw and PJM Crosscut/BLU Moneymaker as well as 2 straws of MRG Outlaw semen. All shipping costs are covered by the buyer. Selling as one money! These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
2 Straws of DRZ BUTTERSCOTCH stored at REI. DRZ BUTTERSCOTCH is line bred HEMP’S GOLDEN BOY. BUTTERSCOTCH has over 50% GOLDEN BOY genetics. If you are looking for a bloodline to add muscle and bone structure this buck will do it. All of his kids have had clean teats and unbelievable frames. Very pleased with the kid crop we have had this year. Butterscotch is dual Registered with NKR and AKGA. There will only be two straws of semen sold this year. Don’t miss your chance to add his genetics to your herd. These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
This straw is stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
Every serious breeder in any species is always looking for that special animal that will help boost their herd to the next level. After seeing several of the great animals on different farms that were sons or daughters of LVL SIKES CINNAMON TOAST, it was obvious that he was a buck that we needed to add to our arsenal. When studying his pedigree, you will see that he is a very linebred buck that should be able to compliment nearly any pedigree in the industry. The Sikes' did a great job of stacking this pedigree up. LVL SIKES CINNAMON TOAST is 50% HEMPS GOLDEN BOY, 25% GOLDMINE HERITAGE, 18.75% MONEYMAKER, with a heavy dose of GOATEX GOLIATH. This is the first time that straws from this great buck have ever been offered. If you want to add meat and improve carcass traits to your herd, take a hard look at LVL SIKES CINNAMON TOAST.
These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer. Shipper tanks go between OK and Arkansas and Greencastle periodically through the year.
These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.
Here is another first time semen offering from Rolling Meadows Farms, JFK Carpe Diem by Tasman Aristocrat and Tasman Opportunity. He has proven himself from the beginning with offspring having excellent showing in forage test, Mr. Speckles. Crush is an aggressive breeder as are his sons. He has great "hams" and passes this trait on the all his kids. As well as adding some color. Please contact Nancy with any questions. The semen is stored in Nancy's personal tank. Buyers will have to pick the semen up directly from Nancy or arrange using a shipper tank by appointment.
2 Straws of TMK BIG KAHUNA Direct son out of the famous MGR Titans Hammer and one of Kendall and Dana Barnes great does June ll. Titans Hammer is know for producing performance tested kids. He himself held the ADG record at Fort Valley University buck test, which was previously held by his sire Titan. Many of his son and grandsons have also performed very well in active buck tests such as Langston, Maryland, and EOSU. In the 2018 WV Buck Test 2 of Kahuna’s full brothers placed in the top 12. Thanks to Kendall and Dana for testing these bucks. I have heard from many people that Titans Hammer’s grandsons and granddaughter are phenotypically better than his direct offspring. Kahuna has a great scrotum, 1x1 teets, always held a 1 famacha score and great feet. Here is your chance to produce some of those famous grandsons and granddaughters. These 2 straws are stored at REI in Stillwater , OK. All Shipping cost are covered buy the buyer.